Measured Data

Thermal Conductivity

Experiments for thermal conductivity [k] were conducted using a heat flow meter on unconditioned samples at 25 °C.


Temperature (C) Conductivity Mean (W/m-K) Standard Deviation (W/m-K)
25.0 0.039 0.0
30.0 0.040 0.0
35.0 0.041 0.0
40.0 0.042 0.0
45.0 0.043 0.0

Mass Loss Rate (MLR)

Mass loss rate [kg/s] was measured in cone calorimeter experiments at three heat fluxes: 25 kW/m2, 50 kW/m2, and 75 kW/m2.

In each cone calorimeter test the polyester fabric shrivelled upon heating and impacted the spark ignitor, causing spikes in the mass time history data. The sample then retracted away from the spark ignitor prior to ignition due to further pyrolysis and melting of the materials. Additional replicates with alternative sample preparation may be necessary to supplement this data set. Representative test pictures are available at the link above to Download raw data.

Cone Calorimeter: 25 kW/m2

Cone Calorimeter: 50 kW/m2

Cone Calorimeter: 75 kW/m2

Heat Release Rate Per Unit Area (HRRPUA)

Experiments for heat release per unit area [kW/m2] were conducted on samples conditioned at 20°C and 50% relative humidity using a cone calorimeter at three different heat fluxes: 25 kW/m2, 50 kW/m2, and 75 kW/m2.

In each cone calorimeter test the polyester fabric shrivelled upon heating and impacted the spark ignitor, causing spikes in the mass time history data. The sample then retracted away from the spark ignitor prior to ignition due to further pyrolysis and melting of the materials. Additional replicates with alternative sample preparation may be necessary to supplement this data set. Representative test pictures are available at the link above to Download raw data.

Cone Calorimeter: 75 kW/m2

Cone Calorimeter: 25 kW/m2

Cone Calorimeter: 50 kW/m2

Carbon Monoxide (CO) Yield

Carbon monoxide yield was measured during cone calorimeter experiments conducted at heat fluxes of 25 kW/m2, 50 kW/m2, and 75 kW/m2.

In each cone calorimeter test the polyester fabric shrivelled upon heating and impacted the spark ignitor, causing spikes in the mass time history data. The sample then retracted away from the spark ignitor prior to ignition due to further pyrolysis and melting of the materials. Additional replicates with alternative sample preparation may be necessary to supplement this data set. Representative test pictures are available at the link above to Download raw data.

Incident Heat Flux [kW/m²] Mean CO Yield [g/g] CO Yield Std. Dev. [g/g]
25 0.019 0.002
50 0.017 0.001
75 0.02 0.0

Derived Data

Soot Yield

Soot yield [g/g] was calculated from smoke obscuration data collected in cone calorimeter experiments conducted at heat fluxes of 25 kW/m2, 50 kW/m2, and 75 kW/m2.

In each cone calorimeter test the polyester fabric shrivelled upon heating and impacted the spark ignitor, causing spikes in the mass time history data. The sample then retracted away from the spark ignitor prior to ignition due to further pyrolysis and melting of the materials. Additional replicates with alternative sample preparation may be necessary to supplement this data set. Representative test pictures are available at the link above to Download raw data.

Incident Heat Flux [kW/m²] Mean Soot Yield [g/g] Soot Yield Std. Dev. [g/g]
25 0.028 0.001
50 0.026 0.003
75 0.029 0.001

Effective Heat of Combustion (Δhc)

Effective heat of combustion [MJ/kg] is calculated from data collected in cone calorimeter experiments.

In each cone calorimeter test the polyester fabric shrivelled upon heating and impacted the spark ignitor, causing spikes in the mass time history data. The sample then retracted away from the spark ignitor prior to ignition due to further pyrolysis and melting of the materials. Additional replicates with alternative sample preparation may be necessary to supplement this data set. Representative test pictures are available at the link above to Download raw data.

Cone Calorimeter

Incident Heat Flux [kW/m²] Mean Effective Heat of Combustion [MJ/kg] Effective Heat of Combustion Std. Dev. [MJ/kg]
25 24.4 0.8
50 24.9 1.3
75 24.1 0.1